Friday, May 14, 2010

Why are nails hard even though it is composed of dead cells?

is it because of keratin? Can there be a nail disease?Why are nails hard even though it is composed of dead cells?
Nails are a type of modified skin. Nails protect the sensitive tips of fingers and toes.Fingernails are made up of a hardened protein called keratin, which is also found in skin and hair.Keratins are a family of fibrous structural proteins; tough and insoluble, they form the hard but nonmineralized structures.They are rivaled in biological toughness only by chitin.

The amino acids which combine to form keratin have several unique properties, and depending on the levels of the various amino acids, keratin can be inflexible and hard, like hooves, or soft, as is the case with skin. Most of the keratin that people interact with is actually dead; hair, skin, and nails are all formed from dead cells which the body sheds as new cells push up from underneath. If the dead cells are kept in good condition, they will serve as an insulating layer to protect the delicate new keratin below them.

Keratin is difficult to dissolve, because it contains cysteine disulfide, which means that it is able to form disulfide bridges. These disulfide bridges create a helix shape that is extremely strong, as sulfur atoms bond to each other from across the helix, creating a fibrous matrix which is not readily soluble. Depending on how much cysteine disulfide keratin contains, the bond can be extremely strong to make hard cells like those found in hooves, or it can be softer to make flexible keratin like hair and skin. Because of the high levels of sulfur in keratin, when it is burned it emits a distinct sulfurous odor which some people find distasteful.

Keratin is formed by keratinocytes, living cells which make up a large part of skin, hair, nails, and other keratin containing parts of the body. The cells slowly push their way upwards, eventually dying and forming a protective layer of cells. Thousands of these cells are shed every day, and the process can be accelerated by various medical conditions, such as psoriasis. Damage to the external layer of keratin can cause skin, hair, and nails to look unhealthy or flaky.

Hair and nails on humans especially tend to become dry and brittle, because the dead keratin is being pushed to great lengths. By eating foods like gelatin and keeping hair and nails moist, they can be grown out while still remaining healthy. In general, the thicker the layer of keratin, the healthier the hair or nail is, because the dead cells outside protect the living cells at the core. Keeping the external layer of keratin moisturized will also keep it healthy and prevent cracking and splitting, whether the keratin is forming the hooves of a horse of the skin of a human.

Although nails are a skin appendage, they have their own signs and symptoms which may relate to other medical conditions. Nail conditions that show signs of infection or inflammation require medical assistance and cannot be treated at a beauty parlor. Deformity or disease of the nails may be referred to as onychosis.

Onychia,Onychocryptosis,Onychodystroph鈥? ,Onychogryposis,Onycholysis, Onychomadesis ,Onychomycosis,Subungual hematoma , Koilonychia, etc are some of the diseases of human nails.Why are nails hard even though it is composed of dead cells?
Whaa? Dead cells? Not! Protein? yes. keratin? yes.

Nail disease would indicate a problem either with the keratin producing cells or with disease under the nail. Either could affect the nail itself, but the most likely cause of growth problems of the nail are with the cells that grow them. duh.

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