Friday, May 14, 2010

Does anyone have a schanauzer and does it have a loose toe that looks kike just a nail that is torne off?

it is the due claw...most are born with them....for grooming reasons sch. breeders should remove them while the pup is real young....some breeds like great pryanese have a double due claws they have two on each foot...and the breed calls for them so most breeders do not remove them....Does anyone have a schanauzer and does it have a loose toe that looks kike just a nail that is torne off?
It is a dewclaw. If your dog is still a puppy and still needs to be neutered, I'd recommend having them removed when you have that done. Only because the dewclaw can get caught on things and cause damage. Other than that, there isn't anything wrong with them. I have a lab/rott mix. I didn't know what they were either and once I found out he was older and they weren't causing problems so I just left them alone.

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